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Nagpur District Population
Nagpur District Total population is 4653570. Rural Population is 1474811 and Urban population is 3178759. Nagpur District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1474811 | 758357 | 716454 |
Urban | 3178759 | 1626618 | 1552141 |
Total | 4653570 | 2384975 | 2268595 |
List of sub districts in Nagpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Narkhed | 147907 | 34398 |
Katol | 163808 | 37710 |
Kalameshwar | 122363 | 28573 |
Savner | 229450 | 51327 |
Parseoni | 143019 | 30605 |
Ramtek | 158643 | 35249 |
Mauda | 139776 | 31730 |
Kamptee | 238870 | 50307 |
Nagpur (Rural) | 302195 | 70781 |
Hingna | 242198 | 58928 |
Umred | 154180 | 35521 |
Kuhi | 123977 | 28791 |
Bhiwapur | 81519 | 19990 |