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Nagaur District Population
Nagaur District Total population is 3307743. Rural Population is 2670539 and Urban population is 637204. Nagaur District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2670539 | 1368771 | 1301768 |
Urban | 637204 | 327554 | 309650 |
Total | 3307743 | 1696325 | 1611418 |
List of sub districts in Nagaur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Ladnu | 252942 | 41639 |
Didwana | 397003 | 67030 |
Jayal | 269024 | 47470 |
Nagaur | 524926 | 89309 |
Kheenvsar | 192924 | 32478 |
Merta | 388929 | 74267 |
Degana | 306103 | 59116 |
Parbatsar | 225413 | 41748 |
Makrana | 345569 | 57048 |
Nawa | 404910 | 68704 |