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Nagapattinam District Population
Nagapattinam District Total population is 1616450. Rural Population is 1251826 and Urban population is 364624. Nagapattinam District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1251826 | 619369 | 632457 |
Urban | 364624 | 178758 | 185866 |
Total | 1616450 | 798127 | 818323 |
List of sub districts in Nagapattinam District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sirkali | 319715 | 80767 |
Mayiladuthurai | 259634 | 65163 |
Kuthalam | 131948 | 32952 |
Tharangambadi | 207059 | 51611 |
Nagapattinam | 282784 | 70683 |
Kilvelur | 138474 | 36871 |
Thirukkuvalai | 60771 | 16202 |
Vedaranyam | 216065 | 59588 |