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Nagaon District Population
Nagaon District Total population is 2823768. Rural Population is 2454234 and Urban population is 369534. Nagaon District is in Assam State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2454234 | 1250985 | 1203249 |
Urban | 369534 | 188127 | 181407 |
Total | 2823768 | 1439112 | 1384656 |
List of sub districts in Nagaon District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Kaliabor | 197470 | 41415 |
Samaguri | 330575 | 66675 |
Rupahi | 228206 | 43717 |
Dhing | 330491 | 62224 |
Nagaon | 406840 | 86872 |
Raha | 175125 | 35825 |
Kampur | 223843 | 45824 |
Hojai | 228530 | 42784 |
Doboka | 303767 | 55467 |
Lanka | 398921 | 78537 |