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Muzaffarpur District Population
Muzaffarpur District Total population is 4801062. Rural Population is 4327625 and Urban population is 473437. Muzaffarpur District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 4327625 | 2276812 | 2050813 |
Urban | 473437 | 250685 | 222752 |
Total | 4801062 | 2527497 | 2273565 |
List of sub districts in Muzaffarpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sahebganj | 241438 | 45212 |
Baruraj (Motipur) | 406795 | 79596 |
Paroo | 361662 | 61763 |
Saraiya | 331651 | 61348 |
Marwan | 164858 | 30199 |
Kanti | 272858 | 53860 |
Minapur | 340925 | 71364 |
Bochaha | 245659 | 51328 |
Aurai | 290545 | 62286 |
Katra | 244823 | 50467 |
Gaighat | 259719 | 55141 |
Bandra | 124057 | 27690 |
Dholi (Moraul) | 90490 | 18830 |
Musahri | 683073 | 131025 |
Kurhani | 435676 | 82071 |
Sakra | 306833 | 63523 |