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Muzaffarnagar District Population
Muzaffarnagar District Total population is 4143512. Rural Population is 2952200 and Urban population is 1191312. Muzaffarnagar District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2952200 | 1565004 | 1387196 |
Urban | 1191312 | 628430 | 562882 |
Total | 4143512 | 2193434 | 1950078 |
List of sub districts in Muzaffarnagar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Kairana | 586254 | 94032 |
Shamli | 687324 | 113304 |
Muzaffarnagar | 1406843 | 234160 |
Budhana | 532496 | 82129 |
Khatauli | 433910 | 72243 |
Jansath | 496685 | 80774 |