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Munger District Population
Munger District Total population is 1367765. Rural Population is 987645 and Urban population is 380120. Munger District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 987645 | 527299 | 460346 |
Urban | 380120 | 201742 | 178378 |
Total | 1367765 | 729041 | 638724 |
List of sub districts in Munger District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Munger | 347392 | 64564 |
Bariarpur | 109359 | 20774 |
Jamalpur | 208330 | 39870 |
Dharhara | 131753 | 26010 |
Kharagpur | 212305 | 41731 |
Asarganj | 74380 | 14589 |
Tarapur | 110214 | 21536 |
Tetiha Bambor | 76303 | 15175 |
Sangrampur | 97729 | 18922 |