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Mon District Population
Mon District Total population is 250260. Rural Population is 215816 and Urban population is 34444. Mon District is in Nagaland State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 215816 | 113469 | 102347 |
Urban | 34444 | 18284 | 16160 |
Total | 250260 | 131753 | 118507 |
List of sub districts in Mon District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Naginimora | 11023 | 2372 |
Tizit | 22352 | 4205 |
Hunta | 8435 | 1552 |
Shangnyu | 6138 | 1186 |
Mon Sadar | 47977 | 7969 |
Wakching | 12738 | 2242 |
Aboi | 14257 | 2596 |
Longshen | 20311 | 2807 |
Phomching | 12539 | 2063 |
Chen | 18656 | 3301 |
Angjangyang | 20307 | 3372 |
Mopong | 15377 | 2125 |
Tobu | 16925 | 2674 |
Monyakshu | 23225 | 3514 |