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Mokokchung District Population
Mokokchung District Total population is 194622. Rural Population is 138897 and Urban population is 55725. Mokokchung District is in Nagaland State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 138897 | 71373 | 67524 |
Urban | 55725 | 29719 | 26006 |
Total | 194622 | 101092 | 93530 |
List of sub districts in Mokokchung District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Longchem | 8617 | 1950 |
Alongkima | 11947 | 2709 |
Tuli | 23377 | 5283 |
Changtongya | 17372 | 3519 |
Chuchuyimlang | 17832 | 3239 |
Kubolong | 12679 | 3064 |
Mangkolemba | 12957 | 3274 |
Merangmen | 6044 | 1433 |
Ongpangkong | 83797 | 18219 |