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Mandsaur District Population
Mandsaur District Total population is 1340411. Rural Population is 1062807 and Urban population is 277604. Mandsaur District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1062807 | 540987 | 521820 |
Urban | 277604 | 141864 | 135740 |
Total | 1340411 | 682851 | 657560 |
List of sub districts in Mandsaur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Bhanpura | 151297 | 31678 |
Malhargarh | 203923 | 47140 |
Garoth | 135181 | 28880 |
Shamgarh | 125848 | 26580 |
Mandsaur | 336388 | 69999 |
Daloda | 109572 | 22786 |
Sitamau | 189814 | 40280 |
Suwasara | 88388 | 19465 |