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Malkangiri District Population
Malkangiri District Total population is 613192. Rural Population is 563664 and Urban population is 49528. Malkangiri District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 563664 | 277901 | 285763 |
Urban | 49528 | 25723 | 23805 |
Total | 613192 | 303624 | 309568 |
List of sub districts in Malkangiri District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Malkangiri | 177657 | 38997 |
Mathili | 84201 | 18989 |
Mudulipada | 29614 | 6985 |
Chitrakonda | 33579 | 8110 |
Paparmetla | 15232 | 3351 |
Jodamba | 14669 | 3202 |
Orkel | 74584 | 16700 |
Kalimela | 76811 | 17185 |
Podia | 28264 | 6421 |
M.V. 79 | 43705 | 9750 |
Motu | 34876 | 7909 |