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Malappuram District Population
Malappuram District Total population is 4112920. Rural Population is 2295709 and Urban population is 1817211. Malappuram District is in Kerala State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2295709 | 1095308 | 1200401 |
Urban | 1817211 | 865020 | 952191 |
Total | 4112920 | 1960328 | 2152592 |
List of sub districts in Malappuram District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Ernad | 910978 | 178209 |
Nilambur | 574059 | 120552 |
Perinthalmanna | 606396 | 118792 |
Tirur | 928672 | 170514 |
Tirurangadi | 713017 | 131272 |
Ponnani | 379798 | 74660 |