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Mahesana District Population
Mahesana District Total population is 2035064. Rural Population is 1520734 and Urban population is 514330. Mahesana District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1520734 | 787175 | 733559 |
Urban | 514330 | 269345 | 244985 |
Total | 2035064 | 1056520 | 978544 |
List of sub districts in Mahesana District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Satlasana | 89546 | 17757 |
Kheralu | 133778 | 26456 |
Unjha | 175539 | 38151 |
Visnagar | 262246 | 55222 |
Vadnagar | 145445 | 29054 |
Vijapur | 257699 | 54857 |
Mahesana | 529816 | 110653 |
Becharaji | 99588 | 20728 |
Kadi | 341407 | 71601 |