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Mahasamund District Population
Mahasamund District Total population is 1032754. Rural Population is 912602 and Urban population is 120152. Mahasamund District is in Chattisgarh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 912602 | 451691 | 460911 |
Urban | 120152 | 60276 | 59876 |
Total | 1032754 | 511967 | 520787 |
List of sub districts in Mahasamund District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Basna | 175617 | 42805 |
Saraipali | 194997 | 49604 |
Mahasamund | 264115 | 59502 |
Pithora | 204666 | 50251 |
Bagbahra | 193359 | 46399 |