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Madhepura District Population
Madhepura District Total population is 2001762. Rural Population is 1913301 and Urban population is 88461. Madhepura District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1913301 | 1000760 | 912541 |
Urban | 88461 | 46799 | 41662 |
Total | 2001762 | 1047559 | 954203 |
List of sub districts in Madhepura District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Gamharia | 82522 | 15970 |
Singheshwar | 134159 | 27252 |
Ghailarh | 91818 | 17092 |
Madhepura | 245847 | 49397 |
Shankarpur | 106222 | 22238 |
Kumarkhand | 243629 | 50860 |
Murliganj | 214322 | 43717 |
Gwalpara | 126020 | 24272 |
Bihariganj | 135534 | 27870 |
Kishanganj | 189159 | 37677 |
Puraini | 104436 | 20139 |
Alamnagar | 175401 | 36930 |
Chausa | 152693 | 27875 |