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Lunglei District Population
Lunglei District Total population is 161428. Rural Population is 92676 and Urban population is 68752. Lunglei District is in Mizoram State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 92676 | 47577 | 45099 |
Urban | 68752 | 35314 | 33438 |
Total | 161428 | 82891 | 78537 |
List of sub districts in Lunglei District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
West Bunghmun | 18813 | 3823 |
Lungsen | 39020 | 7951 |
Lunglei | 77482 | 15902 |
Hnahthial | 26113 | 5382 |