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Latehar District Population
Latehar District Total population is 726978. Rural Population is 675120 and Urban population is 51858. Latehar District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 675120 | 342566 | 332554 |
Urban | 51858 | 27100 | 24758 |
Total | 726978 | 369666 | 357312 |
List of sub districts in Latehar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Manika | 88095 | 16185 |
Barwadih | 98992 | 19127 |
Mahuadanr | 74732 | 13543 |
Garu | 30274 | 5905 |
Latehar | 144495 | 27057 |
Balumath | 89012 | 15972 |
Bariyatu | 60095 | 10381 |
Herhanj | 34630 | 5979 |
Chandwa | 106653 | 19232 |