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Lakhisarai District Population
Lakhisarai District Total population is 1000912. Rural Population is 857901 and Urban population is 143011. Lakhisarai District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 857901 | 450863 | 407038 |
Urban | 143011 | 75482 | 67529 |
Total | 1000912 | 526345 | 474567 |
List of sub districts in Lakhisarai District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Barahiya | 128977 | 19768 |
Pipariya | 51496 | 8345 |
Surajgarha | 290998 | 48654 |
Lakhisarai | 221195 | 36809 |
Chanan* | 107144 | 17773 |
Ramgarh Chowk | 85105 | 13910 |
Halsi | 115997 | 18096 |