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Lakhimpur District Population
Lakhimpur District Total population is 1042137. Rural Population is 950804 and Urban population is 91333. Lakhimpur District is in Assam State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 950804 | 482582 | 468222 |
Urban | 91333 | 47092 | 44241 |
Total | 1042137 | 529674 | 512463 |
List of sub districts in Lakhimpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Narayanpur | 135641 | 28954 |
Bihpuria | 210165 | 39485 |
Naobaicha | 148973 | 27936 |
Kadam | 107330 | 20683 |
North Lakhimpur | 250643 | 50196 |