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Krishnagiri District Population
Krishnagiri District Total population is 1879809. Rural Population is 1451446 and Urban population is 428363. Krishnagiri District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1451446 | 742444 | 709002 |
Urban | 428363 | 217788 | 210575 |
Total | 1879809 | 960232 | 919577 |
List of sub districts in Krishnagiri District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Hosur | 539663 | 129512 |
Krishnagiri | 597071 | 141113 |
Denkanikottai | 347474 | 79272 |
Pochampalli | 182310 | 45413 |
Uthangarai | 213291 | 52743 |