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Koraput District Population
Koraput District Total population is 1379647. Rural Population is 1153478 and Urban population is 226169. Koraput District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1153478 | 563771 | 589707 |
Urban | 226169 | 115038 | 111131 |
Total | 1379647 | 678809 | 700838 |
List of sub districts in Koraput District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Kotpad | 120929 | 29816 |
Boriguma | 98341 | 23428 |
Bhairabsingipur | 70420 | 18133 |
Dasamantapur | 50736 | 13107 |
Lakshmipur | 40232 | 9405 |
Narayanpatana | 43575 | 9317 |
Bandhugaon | 58974 | 12600 |
Kakiriguma | 25329 | 6456 |
Koraput | 68193 | 18019 |
Koraput Town | 54832 | 13244 |
Jeypore | 181906 | 42687 |
Kundura | 57038 | 13835 |
Boipariguda | 125337 | 30531 |
Machh kund | 41132 | 10815 |
Padua | 54561 | 14015 |
Nandapur | 72579 | 19204 |
Similiguda | 22247 | 5816 |
Sunabeda | 65664 | 16350 |
Damonjodi | 29431 | 7952 |
Pottangi | 88128 | 20547 |
Kotiya | 10063 | 2400 |