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Kolhapur District Population
Kolhapur District Total population is 3876001. Rural Population is 2645992 and Urban population is 1230009. Kolhapur District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2645992 | 1348815 | 1297177 |
Urban | 1230009 | 631843 | 598166 |
Total | 3876001 | 1980658 | 1895343 |
List of sub districts in Kolhapur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Shahuwadi | 185661 | 39975 |
Panhala | 259417 | 53548 |
Hatkanangle | 807751 | 171630 |
Shirol | 391015 | 83953 |
Karvir | 1037713 | 227202 |
Bavda | 35772 | 7230 |
Radhanagari | 199713 | 42000 |
Kagal | 275372 | 59093 |
Bhudargad | 150368 | 33654 |
Ajra | 120265 | 29809 |
Gadhinglaj | 225734 | 52872 |
Chandgad | 187220 | 39274 |