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Kohima District Population
Kohima District Total population is 267988. Rural Population is 146900 and Urban population is 121088. Kohima District is in Nagaland State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 146900 | 76369 | 70531 |
Urban | 121088 | 62597 | 58491 |
Total | 267988 | 138966 | 129022 |
List of sub districts in Kohima District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Tseminyu | 51314 | 9111 |
Tsogin | 5525 | 1119 |
Chiephobozou | 19692 | 3874 |
Botsa | 6695 | 1609 |
Kezocha | 16467 | 2523 |
Jakhama | 34056 | 6592 |
Kohima Sadar | 116870 | 26138 |
Sechu-Zubza | 17369 | 3425 |