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Kiphire District Population
Kiphire District Total population is 74004. Rural Population is 57517 and Urban population is 16487. Kiphire District is in Nagaland State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 57517 | 29243 | 28274 |
Urban | 16487 | 8587 | 7900 |
Total | 74004 | 37830 | 36174 |
List of sub districts in Kiphire District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Seyochung | 9951 | 1939 |
Amahator | 9075 | 2176 |
Kiphire Sadar | 21939 | 4284 |
Kiusam | 5171 | 792 |
Sitimi | 4035 | 796 |
Longmatra | 4723 | 877 |
Pungro | 14464 | 2910 |
Khongsa | 4646 | 997 |