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Khunti District Population
Khunti District Total population is 531885. Rural Population is 486903 and Urban population is 44982. Khunti District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 486903 | 243494 | 243409 |
Urban | 44982 | 22841 | 22141 |
Total | 531885 | 266335 | 265550 |
List of sub districts in Khunti District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Karra | 109082 | 20839 |
Torpa | 92991 | 17607 |
Rania | 39349 | 7813 |
Murhu | 85486 | 16323 |
Khunti | 124388 | 24607 |
Erki(Tamar II) | 80589 | 16511 |