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Khagaria District Population
Khagaria District Total population is 1666886. Rural Population is 1579727 and Urban population is 87159. Khagaria District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1579727 | 837281 | 742446 |
Urban | 87159 | 46505 | 40654 |
Total | 1666886 | 883786 | 783100 |
List of sub districts in Khagaria District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Alauli | 282127 | 55344 |
Khagaria | 381358 | 75065 |
Mansi | 88511 | 17464 |
Chautham | 153831 | 29902 |
Beldaur | 200223 | 40186 |
Gogri | 316770 | 62019 |
Parbatta | 244066 | 48843 |