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Kendujhar District Population
Kendujhar District Total population is 1801733. Rural Population is 1548674 and Urban population is 253059. Kendujhar District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1548674 | 774667 | 774007 |
Urban | 253059 | 131820 | 121239 |
Total | 1801733 | 906487 | 895246 |
List of sub districts in Kendujhar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Barbil | 84130 | 18889 |
Bolani | 19993 | 4572 |
Rugudi | 16560 | 3615 |
Joda | 72698 | 16373 |
Bamebari | 56271 | 12750 |
Champua | 97117 | 21710 |
Jhumpura | 46936 | 10607 |
Baria | 73664 | 16795 |
Turumunga | 68598 | 16582 |
Patana | 104824 | 23630 |
Kendujhar Sadar | 157414 | 34805 |
Kendujhar Town | 98880 | 22024 |
Nayakote | 46056 | 9760 |
Kanjipani | 21741 | 4513 |
Telkoi | 95718 | 21399 |
Pandapara | 63308 | 14736 |
Ghatgaon | 107106 | 24210 |
Harichandanpur | 80711 | 18674 |
Daitari | 27571 | 6107 |
Ghasipura | 112740 | 25280 |
Anandapur | 124218 | 27650 |
Soso | 64244 | 13780 |
Nandipada | 82542 | 19050 |
Sainkul | 78693 | 17761 |