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Kendrapara District Population
Kendrapara District Total population is 1440361. Rural Population is 1356827 and Urban population is 83534. Kendrapara District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1356827 | 675053 | 681774 |
Urban | 83534 | 42761 | 40773 |
Total | 1440361 | 717814 | 722547 |
List of sub districts in Kendrapara District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Rajkanika | 140807 | 31182 |
Rajnagar | 163450 | 33724 |
Jamboo Marine | 29491 | 6228 |
Aali | 137800 | 30721 |
Pattamundai | 219063 | 46635 |
Kendrapara Sadar | 158985 | 36905 |
Nikirai | 67946 | 15611 |
Derabish | 65909 | 16195 |
Patkura | 177324 | 42898 |
Marsaghai | 108163 | 24732 |
Mahakalapada | 124417 | 28211 |