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Kathua District Population
Kathua District Total population is 616435. Rural Population is 526722 and Urban population is 89713. Kathua District is in Jammu & Kashmir State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 526722 | 278126 | 248596 |
Urban | 89713 | 47983 | 41730 |
Total | 616435 | 326109 | 290326 |
List of sub districts in Kathua District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Billawar | 150882 | 28687 |
Bashohli | 70810 | 13312 |
Bani | 45996 | 8096 |
Kathua | 210949 | 41206 |
Hiranagar | 137798 | 28282 |