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Kalahandi District Population
Kalahandi District Total population is 1576869. Rural Population is 1454882 and Urban population is 121987. Kalahandi District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1454882 | 724646 | 730236 |
Urban | 121987 | 62455 | 59532 |
Total | 1576869 | 787101 | 789768 |
List of sub districts in Kalahandi District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Kesinga | 141365 | 36947 |
Madanpur Rampur | 137942 | 37014 |
Narala | 109499 | 28822 |
Lanjigarh | 47451 | 11269 |
Biswanathpur | 23395 | 5409 |
Sadar | 219195 | 52948 |
Kegaon | 102668 | 26148 |
Junagarh | 181649 | 45315 |
Golamunda | 78214 | 20625 |
Dharamgarh | 108110 | 27846 |
Kokasara | 158742 | 41585 |
Jayapatna | 190799 | 48550 |
Thuamul Rampur | 77840 | 18773 |