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Junagadh District Population
Junagadh District Total population is 2743082. Rural Population is 1836670 and Urban population is 906412. Junagadh District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1836670 | 940271 | 896399 |
Urban | 906412 | 464085 | 442327 |
Total | 2743082 | 1404356 | 1338726 |
List of sub districts in Junagadh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Manavadar | 132830 | 28943 |
Vanthali | 97189 | 20504 |
Junagadh | 439420 | 93406 |
Bhesan | 79712 | 16034 |
Visavadar | 140023 | 28798 |
Mendarda | 68531 | 14832 |
Keshod | 194746 | 40722 |
Mangrol | 212973 | 38058 |
Malia | 160181 | 29705 |
Talala | 135731 | 26193 |
Patan-Veraval | 322492 | 56757 |
Sutrapada | 141968 | 24327 |
Kodinar | 228809 | 40094 |
Una | 388477 | 68953 |