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Jhalawar District Population
Jhalawar District Total population is 1411129. Rural Population is 1181838 and Urban population is 229291. Jhalawar District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1181838 | 606533 | 575305 |
Urban | 229291 | 118610 | 110681 |
Total | 1411129 | 725143 | 685986 |
List of sub districts in Jhalawar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Khanpur | 173193 | 32687 |
Jhalrapatan | 356707 | 73231 |
Aklera | 178571 | 37091 |
Manohar Thana | 143075 | 30016 |
Pachpahar | 179418 | 34502 |
Pirawa | 212679 | 41824 |
Gangdhar | 167486 | 33944 |