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Jhajjar District Population
Jhajjar District Total population is 958405. Rural Population is 715066 and Urban population is 243339. Jhajjar District is in Haryana State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 715066 | 384219 | 330847 |
Urban | 243339 | 130448 | 112891 |
Total | 958405 | 514667 | 443738 |
List of sub districts in Jhajjar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Beri | 155791 | 29974 |
Bahadurgarh | 403746 | 79101 |
Jhajjar | 258595 | 48705 |
Matenhail | 140273 | 27554 |