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Jaunpur District Population
Jaunpur District Total population is 4494204. Rural Population is 4147624 and Urban population is 346580. Jaunpur District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 4147624 | 2041217 | 2106407 |
Urban | 346580 | 179248 | 167332 |
Total | 4494204 | 2220465 | 2273739 |
List of sub districts in Jaunpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Shahganj | 761994 | 109065 |
Badlapur | 456043 | 67625 |
Machhlishahr | 736209 | 109524 |
Jaunpur | 1075544 | 154845 |
Mariahu | 800862 | 120315 |
Kerakat | 663552 | 102139 |