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Jamtara District Population
Jamtara District Total population is 791042. Rural Population is 715296 and Urban population is 75746. Jamtara District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 715296 | 365043 | 350253 |
Urban | 75746 | 39787 | 35959 |
Total | 791042 | 404830 | 386212 |
List of sub districts in Jamtara District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Narayanpur | 163966 | 28942 |
Karma Tanr Vidyasagar* | 115266 | 20572 |
Jamtara | 202478 | 39653 |
Nala | 134780 | 28218 |
Fatehpur | 89645 | 18358 |
Kundhit | 84907 | 19532 |