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Jamnagar District Population
Jamnagar District Total population is 2160119. Rural Population is 1189054 and Urban population is 971065. Jamnagar District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1189054 | 610088 | 578966 |
Urban | 971065 | 504104 | 466961 |
Total | 2160119 | 1114192 | 1045927 |
List of sub districts in Jamnagar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Okhamandal | 162828 | 32097 |
Khambhalia | 268062 | 49081 |
Jamnagar | 851948 | 174916 |
Jodiya | 85958 | 17986 |
Dhrol | 79315 | 15560 |
Kalavad | 139729 | 29584 |
Lalpur | 118187 | 22762 |
Kalyanpur | 196033 | 36339 |
Bhanvad | 125561 | 25361 |
Jamjodhpur | 132498 | 27255 |