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Jalaun District Population
Jalaun District Total population is 1689974. Rural Population is 1271074 and Urban population is 418900. Jalaun District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1271074 | 683656 | 587418 |
Urban | 418900 | 222436 | 196464 |
Total | 1689974 | 906092 | 783882 |
List of sub districts in Jalaun District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Madhogarh | 338320 | 56728 |
Jalaun | 283787 | 48413 |
Kalpi | 369860 | 61624 |
Orai | 396782 | 69716 |
Konch | 301225 | 51857 |