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Jaipur District Population
Jaipur District Total population is 6626178. Rural Population is 3154331 and Urban population is 3471847. Jaipur District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 3154331 | 1642924 | 1511407 |
Urban | 3471847 | 1825583 | 1646264 |
Total | 6626178 | 3468507 | 3157671 |
List of sub districts in Jaipur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Kotputli | 413256 | 69470 |
Viratnagar | 166087 | 27318 |
Shahpura | 272632 | 43971 |
Chomu | 395009 | 60737 |
Phulera (Hq.Sambhar) | 444105 | 72330 |
Mauzamabad | 213016 | 35063 |
Phagi | 191126 | 31504 |
Sanganer | 969696 | 185582 |
Jaipur | 2298782 | 446060 |
Amber | 452005 | 74794 |
Jamwa Ramgarh | 303236 | 49963 |
Bassi | 283594 | 44659 |
Chaksu | 223634 | 35645 |