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Jagatsinghapur District Population
Jagatsinghapur District Total population is 1136971. Rural Population is 1020991 and Urban population is 115980. Jagatsinghapur District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1020991 | 516813 | 504178 |
Urban | 115980 | 61052 | 54928 |
Total | 1136971 | 577865 | 559106 |
List of sub districts in Jagatsinghapur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Paradip | 71637 | 18345 |
Paradeep Lock | 39766 | 8257 |
Kujang | 108944 | 24152 |
Abhyachandpur | 23588 | 5165 |
Ersama | 106896 | 24834 |
Tirtol | 215866 | 48523 |
Jagatsinghapur | 244570 | 55744 |
Biridi | 82795 | 19553 |
Naugaon | 78016 | 18961 |
Balikuda | 164893 | 37773 |