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Jabalpur District Population
Jabalpur District Total population is 2463289. Rural Population is 1023255 and Urban population is 1440034. Jabalpur District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1023255 | 527031 | 496224 |
Urban | 1440034 | 750247 | 689787 |
Total | 2463289 | 1277278 | 1186011 |
List of sub districts in Jabalpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sihora | 179647 | 42989 |
Majholi | 169298 | 40999 |
Patan | 163738 | 37716 |
Shahpura | 191710 | 41902 |
Jabalpur | 1370673 | 288065 |
Panagar | 264780 | 58673 |
Kundam | 123443 | 28716 |