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Hoshiarpur District Population
Hoshiarpur District Total population is 1586625. Rural Population is 1251656 and Urban population is 334969. Hoshiarpur District is in Punjab State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1251656 | 634470 | 617186 |
Urban | 334969 | 174587 | 160382 |
Total | 1586625 | 809057 | 777568 |
List of sub districts in Hoshiarpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Dasua | 360505 | 77198 |
Mukerian | 335063 | 70410 |
Hoshiarpur | 560346 | 119141 |
Garhshankar | 330711 | 70245 |