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Hazaribagh District Population
Hazaribagh District Total population is 1734495. Rural Population is 1459188 and Urban population is 275307. Hazaribagh District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1459188 | 746934 | 712254 |
Urban | 275307 | 143947 | 131360 |
Total | 1734495 | 890881 | 843614 |
List of sub districts in Hazaribagh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Chauparan | 161814 | 27833 |
Barhi | 131669 | 21487 |
Padma | 56014 | 10440 |
Ichak | 112815 | 20908 |
Tati Jhariya | 48549 | 8903 |
Daru | 52305 | 9105 |
Barkatha | 122269 | 20203 |
Chalkusa | 52068 | 7977 |
Bishungarh | 156477 | 26309 |
Hazaribag | 290098 | 51178 |
Katkamsandi | 108361 | 18363 |
Katamdag | 82385 | 14462 |
Keredari | 91357 | 17635 |
Barkagaon | 136839 | 25760 |
Churchu | 53705 | 9599 |
Dadi | 77770 | 14587 |