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Haveri District Population
Haveri District Total population is 1597668. Rural Population is 1242167 and Urban population is 355501. Haveri District is in Karnataka State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1242167 | 638450 | 603717 |
Urban | 355501 | 180678 | 174823 |
Total | 1597668 | 819128 | 778540 |
List of sub districts in Haveri District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Shiggaon | 187910 | 38384 |
Savanur | 161521 | 31326 |
Hangal | 260455 | 53384 |
Haveri | 280362 | 58533 |
Byadgi | 141024 | 29566 |
Hirekerur | 231115 | 50043 |
Ranibennur | 335281 | 69178 |