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Hassan District Population
Hassan District Total population is 1776421. Rural Population is 1399658 and Urban population is 376763. Hassan District is in Karnataka State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1399658 | 695583 | 704075 |
Urban | 376763 | 188084 | 188679 |
Total | 1776421 | 883667 | 892754 |
List of sub districts in Hassan District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sakleshpur | 128633 | 32142 |
Belur | 184458 | 45665 |
Arsikere | 315339 | 75358 |
Hassan | 396166 | 98290 |
Alur | 85255 | 21089 |
Arkalgud | 204585 | 48729 |
Hole Narsipur | 182187 | 42335 |
Channarayapatna | 279798 | 69845 |