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Hardoi District Population
Hardoi District Total population is 4092845. Rural Population is 3551039 and Urban population is 541806. Hardoi District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 3551039 | 1906147 | 1644892 |
Urban | 541806 | 285295 | 256511 |
Total | 4092845 | 2191442 | 1901403 |
List of sub districts in Hardoi District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Shahabad | 761209 | 134640 |
Sawayajpur | 483668 | 82147 |
Hardoi | 1199103 | 214025 |
Bilgram | 665752 | 113287 |
Sandila | 983113 | 186343 |