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Godda District Population
Godda District Total population is 1313551. Rural Population is 1249132 and Urban population is 64419. Godda District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1249132 | 643907 | 605225 |
Urban | 64419 | 34020 | 30399 |
Total | 1313551 | 677927 | 635624 |
List of sub districts in Godda District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Meherma | 146325 | 27523 |
Thakurgangti | 99603 | 19642 |
Boarijor | 138330 | 28539 |
Mahagama | 196976 | 34959 |
Pathargama | 115662 | 22641 |
Bashant Rai* | 93448 | 16100 |
Godda | 270255 | 52645 |
Poreyahat | 187489 | 37594 |
Sundarpahari | 65463 | 14005 |