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Goalpara District Population
Goalpara District Total population is 1008183. Rural Population is 870121 and Urban population is 138062. Goalpara District is in Assam State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 870121 | 443244 | 426877 |
Urban | 138062 | 70048 | 68014 |
Total | 1008183 | 513292 | 494891 |
List of sub districts in Goalpara District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Lakhipur | 279581 | 53360 |
Balijana | 280438 | 54891 |
Matia | 258223 | 50989 |
Dudhnai | 80847 | 16581 |
Rangjuli | 109094 | 22633 |