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Garhwa District Population
Garhwa District Total population is 1322784. Rural Population is 1253114 and Urban population is 69670. Garhwa District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1253114 | 646947 | 606167 |
Urban | 69670 | 36628 | 33042 |
Total | 1322784 | 683575 | 639209 |
List of sub districts in Garhwa District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Kharaundhi | 51479 | 10596 |
Bhawnathpur | 85319 | 16804 |
Ketar* | 50821 | 9939 |
Kandi | 81521 | 14890 |
Majhiaon | 70935 | 13157 |
Bardiha | 37930 | 7047 |
Ramna | 70584 | 13345 |
Bishunpura | 32242 | 6187 |
Nagaruntari | 102772 | 19347 |
Dhurki | 55469 | 10616 |
Sagma | 30396 | 5892 |
Dandai | 63665 | 12300 |
Chinia | 38833 | 7669 |
Meral (Pipra Kalan) | 130308 | 24906 |
Garhwa | 201627 | 39258 |
Danda | 17856 | 3521 |
Ranka | 90483 | 17845 |
Ramkanda | 44452 | 8232 |
Bhandaria | 66092 | 13146 |