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Gajapati District Population
Gajapati District Total population is 577817. Rural Population is 507151 and Urban population is 70666. Gajapati District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 507151 | 247655 | 259496 |
Urban | 70666 | 35227 | 35439 |
Total | 577817 | 282882 | 294935 |
List of sub districts in Gajapati District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Ramagiri | 30015 | 6541 |
Adva | 59262 | 12503 |
Mohana | 74336 | 15627 |
R.Udaygiri | 86234 | 17620 |
Serango | 77720 | 16653 |
Kashinagara | 51907 | 12486 |
Parlakhemundi | 77645 | 18095 |
Gurandi | 45010 | 11694 |
Rayagada | 46196 | 10631 |
Garabandha | 29492 | 6673 |
Ramagiri | 30015 | 6541 |