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Gadag District Population
Gadag District Total population is 1064570. Rural Population is 685261 and Urban population is 379309. Gadag District is in Karnataka State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 685261 | 347585 | 337676 |
Urban | 379309 | 189562 | 189747 |
Total | 1064570 | 537147 | 527423 |
List of sub districts in Gadag District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Nargund | 100623 | 20072 |
Ron | 264123 | 53348 |
Gadag | 367258 | 77639 |
Shirhatti | 200669 | 41413 |
Mundargi | 131897 | 26624 |